Sunday, 24 April 2011

South Northamptonshire Council


South Northamptonshire Council Elections - 5th May 2011               DAVID  HARRIES

       An independent voice for
                         Heyfords and Bugbrooke


Over the next few years, the council will face extremely challenging decisions, with continued pressure for development and severe financial restrictions. These decisions will have an impact on the people of this area. It is important, therefore, to have someone living in the community who will represent Heyfords and Bugbrooke in a strong and independent way, unfettered by party political instructions.

Since being elected as a Parish Councillor in 1982, and whilst serving as a District Councillor between 2003 and 2007, I have always sought the best way forward for the benefit of local people, speaking and voting according to my conscience rather than following a party line.

If elected again, you can be assured that I will always enthusiastically promote the local views of the Heyfords and Bugbrooke.


I have always played an active part in the community, having been involved with numerous clubs and organisations.

  • I am currently chairman of Bugbrooke Sports and Community Association and the Millennium Green Trust, and I was a founder member of the Friends of Jubilee House. My voluntary work also involves acting as chairman of school appeals panels and as honorary secretary to the Northamptonshire Victoria County History Trust. I have been secretary to the Northamptonshire Record Society since 2007.
  • I have been a Parish Councillor since 1982 and have spent many years as Chairman or Vice-Chairman. During previous major planning consultations I initiated and chaired the Mid-Northamptonshire Parishes, a group of up to 23 parishes, including the villages of Heyford and Bugbrooke, to present a united front in submitting joint views on development proposals. In 2003 I was elected as an Independent District Councillor at South Northamptonshire Council, and served Gayton and Bugbrooke until 2007.

As a Parish and District Councillor I have regularly challenged proposals that could result in over-development and the threat of urbanisation in our part of the District - and I will continue to do so.



I have lived here with my wife, Rosemary, for almost forty years. Our sons, Robert and Michael, were born and brought up here, attending the village schools. My career began in the Civil Service, and involved working directly with Government Ministers. After moving to Bugbrooke in 1972, I was employed by Northamptonshire County Council, working directly with councillors. For the past eight years I have been self-employed, providing audit and assessment services. I act as internal auditor to over twenty town and parish councils.

Having worked at the heart of the decision-making process of both central and local government, I am well aware of how the public sector works.

If I am elected again, I will work in the best interests of the Heyfords and Bugbrooke, the community in which I have lived for most of my life.


  •   I was able to help a number of individuals and families with housing or planning problems, getting a positive outcome when one at first seemed unlikely.

  • In 2004 I challenged the decision of the Council’s Cabinet not to commit the necessary land to provide affordable housing at Nether Heyford. This helped lead to the decision being reconsidered and the provision of affordable housing at Furnace Lane/Roberts Field.

  • I was an active member of the first Board of South Northants Homes Housing Association, and I chaired the interviews to appoint the partner Association and the necessary professionally qualified members of the Board.

  • As Vice-Chairman of the Social and Community Committee I took a keen interest in Housing, Health and Law and Order issues.

  •  Overall, I played a full part in the activities of the District Council, rarely missing a meeting.

  • In 2005, I was invited by the Local Government Association to join a national task group established to persuade councils to listen more to their customers, and provide what is wanted rather than what councils think they want.

  • I strived to achieve a more inclusive approach by the Council, so that councillors were prepared to consider all the options to reach sensible local solutions, rather than simply pushing national Party lines. I spoke out against proposals that were not in the interests of the people of the Ward or District, and backed proposals that were beneficial. I am truly independent, never having been involved with any political party.

  • When problems raised with me were not the responsibility of the Council, I have always been happy to use whatever influence I might have to help.


Thank you for taking the time to read this. 
Please also take the time to vote for me on
5th May

Published by David Harries
7 Ash Grove

Printed by Campion Print Room
Kislingbury Road

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